Dr. Jason Nutche, DC

Need an Outstanding Chiropractor in Philadelphia, PA ?

Dr. Jason Nutche, DC.Dr. Jason Nutche received his Bachelor’s degree in Economics from The University of Pittsburgh while completing his pre-med/chiropractic requirements. He then attended Logan College of Chiropractic where he received extensive training not only chiropractic; but also, exercise rehabilitation of spine and extremity joint injuries, temporal mandibular joint disorders (TMJD), and Active Release Technique. His education led him to implement a complete in-office program that includes chiropractic (of course), nutrition, massage, and on-site personal training. Our Wellness Program is a clinically proven program that has been shown to reverse the diseases of Metabolic Syndrome (Type II Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol).

Dr. Nutche is currently a Pennsylvania-licensed, Board Certified Chiropractor and also holds a license in Adjunctive Procedures. He is also an active member of the International Chiropractic Associations. Following a few years of practice in Illinois, Dr. Nutche returned to his home state to practice. From 2006 to 2009 he ran a successful practice in Upper Dublin Township in Montgomery County and in October of 2009 he purchased a Snyman Chiropractic Group, now Rittenhouse Square Chiropractic from Dr. Snyman.

Dr. Nutche has been an exercise enthusiast since a very young age while training for sports. He soon realized that when he had been adjusted by a chiropractor, he performed much better in the weight room and the field as well as rarely getting sick. This made him realize that chiropractic was much more than pain relief; it was for overall health and performance. He has also realized that the vast majority of patients that come to see him are there because of overall deconditioning of the area in question.

This love of exercise along with his clinical experiences led him to seek out a new and exciting area of chiropractic.  Dr. Nutche has been putting his education and his love of exercise to good use in Philadelphia. His education led him to develop his comprehensive wellness program which is a complete in-office program that includes chiropractic (of course), nutrition, massage, and on-site personal training.  His comprehensive wellness program is a clinically proven program that has been shown to reverse the diseases of Metabolic Syndrome (Type II Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol).

He has decided that only treating a person’s pain is not enough. He feels and knows that to truly make a person healthy, we must address all three forms of stress in our everyday lives: Physical, Chemical and Emotional. This new program will not only allow the doctors to find the cause of a person’s stress, but also, take them from a sickness state to a healthy vibrant state of life.

Dr. Jason Nutche Philly Happening List 2018.

Dr. Jason Nutche is a 9 time winner of the Philly Happening List
2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024



The Happenings List is Philly’s People’s Choice competition. It features all of the best Philly people, places, businesses, and events. From the most loved restaurants to Philly’s favorite yoga studio to the most happening family event in the city.