Auto Injuries, Bicycle or Motorcycle Injuries Chiropractic Patient Care

Call Dr. Jason Nutche at Rittenhouse Square Chiropractic for Immediate Chiropractic Care (215) 546-1010


Auto injuries, bicycle injuries and motorcycle injuries are common causes of trauma to the spine and central nervous system. If you have been in an accident— even if you are not immediately experiencing pain or other symptoms — it’s important that you visit a chiropractor for a comprehensive spinal evaluation.

We Care for Auto Injuries

At Rittenhouse Square Chiropractic in Philadelphia, PA, we have extensive experience in evaluating and caring for auto injuries, bicycle injuries and motorcycle injury patients. Through X-rays and / or physical examination techniques, Dr. Jason Nutche can identify spinal subluxations (misalignments) of the vertebrae in the neck and back and detect damage to supportive tissues.

auto injuries need chiropractic care immediately.Pain and other symptoms of nervous system damage may not be noticeable until weeks or months after the auto injuries occurred. If left uncorrected subluxations can worsen, leading to pain, nervous system dysfunction, and ultimately to spinal degeneration.

Insurance Coverage for Auto Injuries

All auto and motorcycle insurance policies cover chiropractic care for accident victims. This is true regardless of who is at fault, or whether you were a driver, passenger or pedestrian at the time of the accident.

Auto injuries and motorcycle accident patients’ insurance benefits will be verified during their first visit to our office. During the second visit, your insurance benefits, course of care, and billing procedures will be clearly explained. Our office staff will assist you with preparing and submitting the necessary insurance forms.

If you are ever in the Philadelphia, PA area, please feel free to stop by for a visit. We are proud to be the chiropractor of choice in our community and look forward to helping you as well.

At Rittenhouse Square Chiropractic, we provide corrective chiropractic and wellness services for Philadelphia, PA. We offer chiropractic services, therapeutic massage, personal training and exercise programs, rehabilitation, and nutritional consultation.